“I think what Obama wanted to do; he wanted these kids not to just look at him and what he achieved. More importantly, what about their family? What about the black man next door that the kid could look at as an example?…It’s easy to make babies, but making a baby and being a father and being a man that these kids can look to for leadership, direction and information that’s a whole ‘nother story.”
Russel Simmons, der für die Karriere von DMC wahrscheinlich mindestens genauso wichtig war wie dessen Adoptivvater, äußerte sich dieser Tage ebenfalls zum politischen Geschehen. Nachdem die U.S. Regierung sich nun offiziell für die Schrecken der Sklaverei entschuldigte und damit zum ersten Mal Verantwortung für dieses dunkle Kapitel der amerikanischen Geschichte übernahm, ließ der Def Jam Gründer gegenüber Huffingtonpost.com Folgendes verlauten:
“The pain has lasted for the past 144 years, and now with our government taking the right step in apologizing, I know that we can begin to heal.” Weiterhin spricht Simmons über die historische Bedeutung dieses Zugeständnisses und darüber, dass dies erst der Anfang eines großen Heilungsprozesses sei.
“This was a day that many of us have dreamed about for our entire lives. This was a day that many who were at the forefront of this struggle could not enjoy because they are no longer with us. And for those heroes, I go to work every day to make sure that they are never forgotten. I urge you all to take a moment to recognize the importance of the actions of the United States Senate. Let the healing continue.”
Wenn das keine schönen Schlussworte sind, wissen wir auch nicht.