Samstag Nacht wurde Jeff nach weniger als einer halben Stunde von der Bühne verwiesen, trotz eindeutiger Proteste des Publikums, das ihn sehr wohl hören wollte und das Power & Light laut den Vorwurf machte, sie ließen ihn keinen Hip Hop spielen.
Am nächsten Tag, gab der hoch angesehene DJ und Produzent, der Emcee Skillz mitbrachte , ein Statement zum vergangenen Abend ab:
"My road manager walked up to me and said they were having problems with the music I was playing," so Jazzy Jeff. "I played three more songs and he comes back. I knew something was wrong. They said I had to kick Skillz off the stage, change the format of the music I was playing or quit. They said if I continued playing they had 30 cops ready to come escort me offstage. So I stopped."
Jeff spielte Tracks von Jay-Z, Biz Markie, Rihanna, und Skillz hypte die Crowd, als das Set unterbrochen wurde, um Jeff mitzuteilen, er solle die Musik stoppen.
Jon Stephens, Vorsitzender des Power & Light District, wies jegliche Rassismusvorwürfe oder eine Anti-Hip Hop Haltung von sich.
"The issue that arose with the performance last night was completely about the sound levels. His audio tech was maxing out the sound system to a point that risked damage to the speakers and sound system. His sound techs and management refused to bring the decibel level down. They were told to bring it down or cease performance. They refused to go on. Obviously we have a desire to book a diversity of acts," fuhr er fort. "We booked Jazzy Jeff on a Saturday night, the biggest night of the week in the district. We were excited to have him there. It’s unfortunate that his sound and management people had problems adhering to the sound and audio rules. We wanted him to play. That’s why we booked him."
Jazzy Jeff jedoch befindet die Aussagen Mr. Stephens für unkorrekt. Die Beamten warfen Skillz vor, er hätte Gang-Signs geflasht und sich in den Schritt gegriffen. Jeff streitet dies absolut ab und fügte hinzu, dass er noch nicht einmal geflucht hätte.Trotz allen Streitereien entschieden zuständige Beamte, Jazzy’s Set ziehe ein falsches Publikum an und verwiesen ihn deshalb der Location.
"I’m in shock," sagte Jeff. "I didn’t understand what element they were talking about. I looked out in the crowd and it was multicultural, but about 75 percent white. Everyone was having a great time. I wondered what was so offensive. I never had a race issue. I didn’t know how to feel. I was playing ‚Just a Friend.‘ Is that offensive? What element? It’s uncomfortable when you feel unwanted."