Wie wir gestern berichteten, behauptet die Chi-Roc HipHop Nation, Twista habe den Namen für sein Label gestohlen. Faheem Shabazz, Präsident der Organisation und ein Teil des legendären Chi-Roc Duos, welches Chicagos erste Rap-Platte veröffentlichte, behauptet, die Rechte sowohl an dem Namen "Chi-Rock" als auch "Chi-Roc" zu besitzen. Hier nun Twistas Antwort, dessen Label "Chi-Rock Entertainment" heißt.
"I am very disappointed that Shabazz, someone from the very organization I was close with, would attack me for this. I have had prior affiliation with the group and remain good friends with members from Chi-Roc Hip-Hop Nation. Some of the members even thought of it [my company named Chi-Rock] as an honor and a tribute to the original Chi-Roc Hip-Hop Nation members and the hip-hop movement in Chicago."
Laut eigener Aussage, wollte Twista auf diesem Wege der Chi-Roc HipHop Nation nur Respekt zollen, weil sie auch ihn inspirierte.
"Through my success as a multiplatinum rap artist, my intention was to honor and bring attention to Chicago’s hip-hop culture and the organization that helped spark the hip-hop movement in the Chicago area. My goal was to pay tribute to the story of Chi-Roc, so I am outraged that the very people who were once on my side are now trying to bring a fellow Chicago rapper down."
Shabazz plant mittlerweile, eine Klage einzureichen.